Tax proposal 17 remains urgent

Bern, 11.01.2018 - During the meeting on 10 January 2018, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer informed the Federal Council about the current status of tax proposal 17 (TP17). In the process, the Head of the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) confirmed the schedule, whereby the first measures could come into force at the start of 2019 and the main part of TP17 by 2020. For the Federal Council, the need for action in the area of corporate taxes is urgent.

In its meeting, the Federal Council was informed of the most important results of the consultation. The consultation participants recognised the need for action in the area of corporate tax law. The urgent need for action has increased further as a result of the international trend towards the lowering of corporate taxes. TP17 is proving to be an effective way of ensuring that Switzerland will remain a competitive location also in the future.

However, the consultation process also showed that the proposal will remain demanding politically. For a sustainable majority to be achieved and for both competitiveness and jobs to be maintained, a high degree of willingness to compromise on the part of all parties concerned is indispensable. The FDF will thus continue talks with the cantons, communes, parties and other important partners. It is particularly positive that the cantons and the cities and communes support TP17 insofar as possible in the proposed form.

First chamber in summer

As planned, the FDF will submit the dispatch for the attention of Parliament to the Federal Council in spring 2018. The parliamentary deliberations should thus be concluded as early as the 2018 autumn session. If a referendum is not called, the first TP17 measures could come into force at the beginning of 2019 and most of them could come into force from 2020.

Address for enquiries

Roland Meier, Media Spokesperson, Federal Department of Finance FDF
Tel. 058 462 60 86,


The Federal Council

Federal Department of Finance

Federal Department of Finance