IMF reports and statistics on Switzerland

The monitoring and analysis of its member states' economic and financial market policy is one of the IMF's main tasks. These so-called surveillance activities help in the early detection of macroeconomic imbalances (such as balance of payment problems and unsustainable debt developments) and risks to financial sector stability. They form the basis for advising members on implementing appropriate economic policy measures.

As part of its surveillance activities, the IMF carries out country evaluations (Article IV consultations) and financial sector assessments. It also ensures that member states provide the requisite statistical data in good time and in sufficient quality, and meet the agreed international standards. The willingness to cooperate and data transparency towards the IMF are conditions of Fund membership. IMF surveillance creates an important global public good.

IMF Article IV consultations with Switzerland

Like all the IMF's members, Switzerland regularly conducts Article IV consultations with the IMF. The associated in-depth dialogue with the authorities, the private sector and civil society is summarised in a report together with recommendations on policies to foster growth and stability, and approved after discussion by the IMF Executive Board. The associated reports are published by the IMF with the agreement of Switzerland.

Swiss participation in the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP)

Since 1999, the IMF has evaluated, in particular, its members' financial markets and institutions, regulation and oversight as part of its Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). This evaluation includes an assessment of national financial market regulations' compliance with internationally recognised standards. Since 2010, the most systemically important financial centres have committed to carrying out a FSAP exercise roughly every five years. The observations and recommendations from the FSAP flow into the Article IV consultations mentioned above. Switzerland is in favour of these IMF activities and regularly submits to assessments of its financial sector. The reports and background studies are published by the IMF with the agreement of Switzerland.
Financial Sector Assessment Program, FSAP (IWF website)

Applying the SDDS Plus statistical standard

An essential basis for the IMF's surveillance activities is access to comprehensive, reliable and sufficiently up-to-date data from its members. Data transparency can both help to prevent economic and financial crises and contribute to resolving them. To this end, the IMF has drawn up internationally recognised statistical standards which should ensure that this continues into the future. Industrialised countries, including Switzerland, are providing economic and financial data that comply with a higher standard. Since December 2020, Switzerland has published the data relevant for the IMF's surveillance activities according to this higher standard, SDDS Plus (Special Data Dissemination Standard Plus).
> Switzerland applying IMF's SDDS Plus
> Federal Statistical Office Switzerland – National Data Summary Page (NDSP)
IMF – Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB)

Last modification 24.06.2024

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