Illicit financial flows

Switzerland takes the problem of illicit financial flows very seriously. It is an active proponent of international standards to combat abuse and has implemented a number of measures to ensure the integrity of its financial centre, which is one of the most important in the world. In addition, it has been supporting programmes to strengthen financial institutions in developing countries for many years.

Illicit financial flows are a complex global phenomenon affecting numerous countries. Essentially, the term refers to the cross-border transfer of funds in connection with illegal activities such as money laundering, corruption, fraud and tax evasion. It is difficult to estimate the global volume of these flows. Like all major international financial centres, Switzerland is also at risk of abuse. It is firmly committed to participating in the preparation of international standards, transposing them into its domestic legislation and enforcing them effectively.

This commitment is manifested in a number of ways:

Last modification 20.09.2023

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