Double taxation agreements (DTAs) prevent the double taxation of private individuals and legal entities with an international nexus in the area of taxes on income and capital. They are therefore an important element in promoting international economic activities. Switzerland currently has DTAs with over 100 countries and is seeking to extend its agreement network further. Switzerland also has eight agreements for the avoidance of double taxation with respect to inheritance and estate taxes.
Country information
(in German, link to the Federal Tax Administration FTA)
Texts of agreements: Classified Compilation of Federal Legislation
(in German)
Double taxation typically occurs when two states tax the same income or assets of a taxpayer. Most of the provisions of a DTA are dedicated to avoiding double taxation by giving the contracting states the right to tax the individual types of income and assets. However, they merely restrict the contracting states' taxation right. The basis for taxation lies in the contracting states' domestic law.
The list of persons who can benefit from a DTA is long and varied and includes:
Persons who simultaneously have a permanent residence in two states;
Export companies and groups with foreign subsidiaries that are protected from double taxation by a DTA;
- Employed persons with temporary work assignments abroad.
DTAs additionally have an important function for investments of all kinds abroad, as they avoid double taxation on profits and revenue from foreign investments. Moreover, a DTA generally contains certain bans on discrimination, a dispute resolution mechanism and a clause on the exchange of information upon request.
Since the beginning of 2021, the DTAs with Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain and the protocols amending the DTAs with Malta, Cyprus, Liechtenstein and Japan have entered into force. Furthermore, the DTA with Ethiopia and the protocols amending the DTAs with North Macedonia, Armenia, Tajikistan and the United Arab Emirates were signed.
Further information
Federal Council adopts dispatches on amendment of DTAs with Liechtenstein, Malta and Cyprus
Switzerland and Cyprus sign protocol of amendment to their double taxation agreement
Switzerland and Malta sign protocol of amendment to their double taxation agreement
Switzerland and Liechtenstein sign protocol of amendment to their double taxation agreement
BEPS Convention enters into force
Switzerland and Bahrain sign double taxation agreement
Switzerland and Kuwait sign protocol of amendment to double taxation agreement
Amendments to double taxation agreement with United Kingdom in force
Federal Council adopts dispatches on amendment of double taxation agreements with Ireland and Korea
Switzerland and New Zealand sign protocol of amendment to double taxation agreement
New double taxation agreement between Switzerland and Zambia enters into force
Switzerland and Norway sign protocol of amendment to double taxation agreement
Switzerland and Sweden sign protocol of amendment to double taxation agreement
Switzerland and Ireland sign protocol of amendment to double taxation agreement
Switzerland and Netherlands sign protocol of amendment to double taxation agreement
Switzerland and Iran sign protocol of amendment to double taxation agreement
Switzerland and South Korea sign protocol of amendment to double taxation agreement
Switzerland and Ukraine sign protocol of amendment to double taxation agreement
Last modification 21.03.2023
State Secretariat for International Finance SIF
Double taxation agreements
Bundesgasse 3
3003 Berne
Tel. +41 (0)58 462 71 29